Wednesday, September 8, 2010



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hello Matt. My name is Kelly and live life on the edge like yourself. Your Mom is my cousin and like yourself I have C. I am in remission from colon cancer, 3 yrs clear, starting as a stage 4. Hope you have a good day tomorrow and get a chance to enjoy the grass growing and watch the birds tweeting tomorrow. I shall get in touch with Lise, I hear she is losing some locks shortly on your behalf. Sending you a big hug. Kelly

  3. Mel and Matt,

    I am thinking of you both. I see that the donations are rising. That's so amazing. I'm working on a care package for both of you, delicious fun items and lots of things to make you laugh.

    Give the cats lots of love! We only had one when Adam had cancer and she slept with him on the couch every night when he was in too much pain to lie in bed. He says she was the greatest contributor to his mental and emotional health that year.

    Big hugs and all our support,
    Riva (who works in Mel's branch at HRSDC), Adam (a cancer survivor), Suni (the aforementioned cat), and Kamika (the youngest cat who steals everyone's heart)
